RT-EQcorrscan tutorials

RT-EQcorrscan is designed to handle most workflows via command-line scripts. These scripts are:

If you find that these scripts do not meet your use-case, you have full power to write your own scripts that interact directly with the API.

Command-line Interfaces (Scripts)

To set-up your system for real-time matched-filtering you will need to first generate a config file. The rteqcorrscan-config script will generate a config file with default values that you can adjust.

Once you have a config file that you are happy with you will need to generate a template database. Building a template database can be quite a slow process, especially for long datasets! The rteqcorrscan-build-db provides a simple way to start building your database from scratch. If you already have templates and/or event files then you can interface with the database API directly.

Once you have a configuration file and database you are ready to go! You can run the rteqcorrscan-reactor script to start the full RT-EQcorrscan system, which will listen to your chosen event service and react to any large earthquakes or high-rate sequences (as defined by your config file).

Once one of these events happens a real-time matched-filter will be started using templates from your database. If your event service finds more events in your region of interest, these will be added to your running real-time matched-filter database and run through previous data to fill-in past events.

Once the Reactor has started a real-time system, it keeps listening for other possible triggers. Because of this, a whole country can be covered at once (we haven’t run a global reactor, but you could give it a go!), and events that occur in different places can be reacted to.

The final script provided is the rteqcorrscan-simulation script, which allows you to test your system on past events. This can be really handy to get an idea of what detections you might expect, and lets you check that RT-EQcorrscan is working as you expect it!

Note that these docs are not automatically updated and may be out-of-date. To confirm the arguments for your version of RT-EQcorrscan, use the --help flag of the scripts.


Configure your system.

usage: rteqcorrscan-config [-h] [-o OUTFILE]

Write a default config file to disk for later editing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        File to write config to

To learn more about the possible configuration values and their defaults, check out the config api documentation.


Build your template database.

usage: rteqcorrscan-build-db [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--debug] [-s STARTTIME]
                             [-e ENDTIME] [-r] [-n MAX_WORKERS]

Build a TemplateBank; by default, if the TemplateBank exists, only new
templates will be added. Use '-r' flag to enforce re-construction of templates
already in the TemplateBank

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file
  --debug               Flag to set log level to debug
  -s STARTTIME, --starttime STARTTIME
                        Starttime parsable by obspy's UTCDateTime to begin
                        database from
  -e ENDTIME, --endtime ENDTIME
                        Endtime parsable by obspy's UTCDateTime to end
                        database at
  -r, --rebuild         Force templates already in the database to be re-
  -n MAX_WORKERS, --max-workers MAX_WORKERS
                        Maximum workers for ProcessPoolExecutor, defaults to
                        the number of cores on the machine


Start a reactor process - if something happens, your system will react.

usage: rteqcorrscan-reactor [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--debug] [-u]

Run the RT_EQcorrscan Reactor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file
  --debug               Flag to set log level to debug
  -u, --update-bank     Flag to update template bank index before running, use
                        if events have been manually added


Run a real-time matched-filter for a specific region or event.

usage: rteqcorrscan-real-time-match [-h] [--eventid EVENTID]
                                    [--latitude LATITUDE]
                                    [--longitude LONGITUDE] [--radius RADIUS]
                                    [--config CONFIG]
                                    [--template-starttime TEMPLATE_STARTTIME]
                                    [--template-endtime TEMPLATE_ENDTIME]
                                    [--starttime STARTTIME]
                                    [--speed-up SPEED_UP] [--debug]

Real Time Matched Filter

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --eventid EVENTID, -e EVENTID
                        Triggering event ID
  --latitude LATITUDE   Latitude for template-search
  --longitude LONGITUDE
                        Longitude for template-search
  --radius RADIUS       Radius (in degrees) for template-search
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file
  --template-starttime TEMPLATE_STARTTIME
                        Start-time as UTCDateTime parsable string to collect
                        templates from
  --template-endtime TEMPLATE_ENDTIME
                        End-time as UTCDateTime parsable string to collect
                        templates up to.
  --starttime STARTTIME
                        Start-time for real-time simulation for past data
  --speed-up SPEED_UP   Speed-up factor for past data - unused for real-time
  --debug               Flag to set log level to debug
  --local-archive       Flag to use a local archive for waveform data, defined
                        in config file


Simulate a past period of interest: useful for testing!

usage: rteqcorrscan-simulation [-h] --quake QUAKE [--config CONFIG]
                               [--db-duration DB_DURATION] [--radius RADIUS]
                               --client CLIENT [--templates-made] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --quake QUAKE         Earthquake to synthesise real-time, either the event-
                        id or a known key. Known events are: {'eketahuna':
                        '2014p051675', 'cook-strait': '2013p543824'}
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file
  --db-duration DB_DURATION
                        Number of days to generate the database for prior to
                        the chosen event
  --radius RADIUS       Radius in degrees to build database for
  --client CLIENT       Client to get data from, must have an FDSN waveform
                        and event service
  --templates-made      Flag to not make new templates - use if re-running an
                        old DB
  --debug               Flag to run in debug mode, with lots of output to


Benchmark your configuration on your system

Test your configuration and the limits of real-time detection on your system. RTEQcorrscan runs detections in near-real-time, if it takes longer to make detections than the length of the data detecting in, then the process will fall behind.

usage: rteqcorrscan-bench [-h] -t N_TEMPLATES [N_TEMPLATES ...] -n N_CHANNELS
                          [--config CONFIG]

Benchmark rteqcorrscan for a range of templates

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Sequence of the number of templates to run
  -n N_CHANNELS, --n-channels N_CHANNELS
                        Number of channels to run with
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to configuration file
  --verbose, -v         Print output from logging to screen

Class Interfaces

The notebooks below provide a brief overview of some of the functionality of the main classes in RT-EQcorrscan.