RT-EQcorrscan installation

RT-EQcorrscan only supports Python versions >= 3.6. It is tested on Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows.

From PyPi

pip install RT-EQcorrscan

From Source

First you will need to clone the RT-EQcorrscan repository:

git clone https://github.com/eqcorrscan/RT_EQcorrscan.git
cd RT-EQcorrscan

Then install the package using pip:

pip install .

or if you want to change things you can install in development mode:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

or if you prefer using conda (note you may need to add the conda-forge channel to your channels list):

conda install --file requirements.txt
python setup.py install # Replace install with develop if you want development mode.