
A TemplateBank is a thin wrapper on an obsplus EventBank. TemplateBanks handle database tasks for storing, selecting and reading in catalogues of templates from/on disk. The idea is to have a suite of templates for all possible events of interest; when something interesting happens this database can be queried to provide the relevant templates for that trigger. Because TemplateBanks subclass EventBank, all the look-up methods for EventBank are available.

Lets have a look at how we might generate a TemplateBank from scratch for a day of the New Zealand national catalogue.

from rt_eqcorrscan.database import TemplateBank
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import UTCDateTime

bank = TemplateBank(base_path="./template_bank")
client = Client("GEONET")
catalog = client.get_events(
    starttime=UTCDateTime(2019, 6, 21),
    endtime=UTCDateTime(2019, 6, 23),
    latitude=-38.8, longitude=175.8, maxradius=0.2)
7 Event(s) in Catalog:
2019-06-21T03:46:25.054642Z | -38.824, +175.865 | 2.178845358 M  | manual
2019-06-21T03:52:00.142063Z | -38.826, +175.855 | 1.230595585 M  | manual
2019-06-21T08:28:16.143864Z | -38.827, +175.866 | 1.364494767 M  | manual
2019-06-21T08:29:23.083982Z | -38.827, +175.878 | 2.066853896 M  | manual
2019-06-21T09:07:54.730731Z | -38.819, +175.904 | 1.420446524 M  | manual
2019-06-21T15:34:49.878441Z | -38.764, +175.615 | 1.530488164 M  | manual
2019-06-22T09:35:27.682975Z | -38.819, +175.866 | 1.880393466 M  | manual

First we will put the events into the database.

time latitude longitude depth magnitude event_description associated_phase_count azimuthal_gap event_id horizontal_uncertainty ... standard_error used_phase_count station_count vertical_uncertainty updated author agency_id creation_time version path
0 2019-06-21 03:46:25.054642 -38.823746 175.864609 5000.000000 2.178845 Taupo 46.0 67.671886 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p462586 3811.082605 ... 0.279893 25.0 39.0 0.000000 2020-04-29 04:26:43.090682624 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 03:46:42.845267 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T03-46-25_62586.xml
1 2019-06-21 03:52:00.142063 -38.826271 175.855438 5000.000000 1.230596 Taupo 21.0 163.628212 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p462596 6603.341442 ... 0.229197 15.0 15.0 0.000000 2020-04-29 04:26:43.098682624 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 03:52:21.600176 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T03-52-00_62596.xml
2 2019-06-21 08:28:16.143864 -38.827057 175.866028 7828.764915 1.364495 Taupo 26.0 91.194962 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p463116 5572.845242 ... 0.255632 16.0 19.0 8385.635050 2020-04-29 04:26:43.106682624 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 08:28:36.574978 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T08-28-16_63116.xml
3 2019-06-21 08:29:23.083982 -38.827339 175.877670 5000.000000 2.066854 Taupo 61.0 40.233490 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p463118 3076.595177 ... 0.350769 37.0 53.0 0.000000 2020-04-29 04:26:43.130682368 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 08:29:41.755653 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T08-29-23_63118.xml
4 2019-06-21 09:07:54.730731 -38.819088 175.904159 5000.000000 1.420447 Taupo 32.0 76.976382 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p463190 4347.700016 ... 0.206139 18.0 28.0 0.000000 2020-04-29 04:26:43.142682624 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 09:08:14.577520 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T09-07-54_63190.xml
5 2019-06-21 15:34:49.878441 -38.764454 175.615082 113987.533600 1.530488 Taupo 21.0 265.354118 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p463916 11605.852290 ... 0.406860 21.0 14.0 13899.074190 2020-04-29 04:26:43.146682624 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-21 15:35:31.012134 /2019/06/21/2019-06-21T15-34-49_63916.xml
6 2019-06-22 09:35:27.682975 -38.818531 175.866409 13595.767970 1.880393 Taupo 39.0 56.649483 smi:nz.org.geonet/2019p465944 5168.447127 ... 0.478102 26.0 34.0 7484.634962 2020-04-29 04:26:43.162682368 scevent@kseqp02.geonet.org.nz WEL(GNS_Primary) 2019-06-22 09:35:48.159662 /2019/06/22/2019-06-22T09-35-27_65944.xml

7 rows × 28 columns

Now we want to populate the database with templates: at the moment the database only contains event files. Note that this might take a while - it will download the required data and process it.
The same arguments used by EQcorrscan’s Tribe.construct are supported by Template_bank.make_templates.
    catalog=catalog, client=client, lowcut=2., highcut=15.,
    samp_rate=50., filt_order=4, prepick=0.5, length=3, swin="all")
No data downloaded for NZ.NNVZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.BKZ.10.HHR
No data downloaded for NZ.BKZ.10.HHT
No data downloaded for NZ.KWHZ.10.EHR
No data downloaded for NZ.MTHZ.10.EHR
No data downloaded for NZ.HIZ.10.HHT
No data downloaded for NZ.HIZ.10.HHT
No data downloaded for NZ.TSZ.10.HHR
No data downloaded for NZ.RITZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.WATZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.WHTZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.KATZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.TMVZ.10.HHT
No data downloaded for NZ.ETVZ.10.HHR
No data downloaded for NZ.ETVZ.10.HHR
No data downloaded for NZ.NNVZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.OTVZ.10.HHT
No data downloaded for NZ.SNVZ.10.EHT
No data downloaded for NZ.MRHZ.10.EHR
Request would result in too much data. Denied by the datacenter. Split the request in smaller parts
Detailed response of server:

/home/chambeca/miniconda3/envs/eqcorrscan/lib/python3.7/site-packages/obspy/io/mseed/core.py:790: UserWarning: The encoding specified in trace.stats.mseed.encoding does not match the dtype of the data.
A suitable encoding will be chosen.
  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
Tribe of 7 templates

This both returns the Tribe of templates that are created, and writes them to disk for later retrieval. Note that lots of warnings are raised by this due to missing links between picks. These can be ignored for this tutorial.

import warnings

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    tribe = bank.get_templates()
Tribe of 7 templates

get_templates supports filtering using event queries:

bank.get_templates(starttime=UTCDateTime(2019, 6, 21, 9))
Tribe of 3 templates

Usage in RT-EQcorrscan

A TemplateBank is required to use the CatalogListener and Reactor classes. Both these classes will listen to a remote client service for new events and add those events to the TemplateBank. The Reactor class will also react to any events that meet user-defined thresholds, collect the appropriate temlates using the TemplateBank, and run the real-time matched-filter process.

Usage outside of RT-EQcorrscan

Because TemplateBanks return Tribes, TemplateBanks represent an efficient means of storing Tribes on disk. Tribes can be used offline for matched-filter detection.