Source code for rt_eqcorrscan.streaming.clients.obspy

Data handling to simulate a real-time client from old data via ObsPy clients
for testing of real-time matched-filter detection.

    Calum J Chamberlain
    GPL v3.0
import logging
import os
import time
import copy
from numpy import random
import importlib

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from typing import Iterable
from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime
from queue import Empty, Full
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from multiprocessing import Lock, Process, Queue

from rt_eqcorrscan.database.client_emulation import LocalClient
from rt_eqcorrscan.streaming.streaming import _StreamingClient

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StreamClient: """ In-memory handling of stream as fake Client. Cache future data in memory and provide via client-like get_waveforms requests. Parameters ---------- client Client to get data from - can be anything with a .get_waveforms method buffer_length Initial length of buffer in seconds min_buffer_fraction Minimum buffer fraction to trigger a re-fresh of the buffer. """ __st = Stream() # Locks on shared objects _stream_lock = Lock() _maintain = False _stop_called = False def __init__( self, client, buffer_length: float = 3600, min_buffer_fraction: float = 0.25, speed_up: float = 1.0, ): self.client = client self.buffer_length = buffer_length self._min_buffer_length = buffer_length * min_buffer_fraction self.speed_up = speed_up # Data queue for communication self._stream_queue = Queue() # Poison! self._killer_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) self._dead_queue = Queue(maxsize=1) self.processes = [] self.base_url = self.client.base_url @property def stream(self) -> Stream: with self._stream_lock: Logger.debug("Stream getter called") st, i = Stream(), 0 while True: try: st += self._stream_queue.get(block=True, timeout=0.5) Logger.debug(f"{i}\tGot stream from queue: {st}") except Empty: if i == 0: Logger.warning( "Stream queue is empty - have you initialized?") break i += 1 self.__st = st.merge(method=1) Logger.debug(f"Putting stream back into queue: {self.__st}") self._stream_queue.put(self.__st, block=True, timeout=0.5) return self.__st @stream.setter def stream(self, st: Stream): Logger.debug("Stream setter called") # Put stream in queue Logger.debug("Putting stream in queue") with self._stream_lock: self._stream_queue.put(st, block=True, timeout=0.5) Logger.debug("Synchronizing") _ = # Synchronize @property def stats(self) -> dict: """ Provide a copy of the stats """ st = stats = {(, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location, (tr.stats.starttime, tr.stats.endtime) for tr in st} return stats
[docs] def get_waveforms( self, network: str, station: str, location: str, channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime, rm_selected: bool = True ) -> Stream: """ Parameters ---------- network Network code to get data for station Station code to get data for location Location code to get data for channel Channel code to get data for starttime Starttime to select data for endtime Endtime to select data for rm_selected Whether to remove the data from the buffer - defaults to True Returns ------- Stream of selected data. """ return self.get_waveforms_bulk( [network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime])
[docs] def get_waveforms_bulk( self, bulk: Iterable, rm_selected: bool = True ) -> Stream: """ Parameters ---------- bulk Bulk of (network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) to request data for. rm_selected Whether to remove the selected data from the buffer. Default: True Returns ------- Stream of select data from buffer. """ full_st, st =, Stream() # Get local version of stream for _bulk in bulk: n, s, l, c, _s, _e = _bulk st += network=n, station=s, location=l, channel=c).slice( starttime=_s, endtime=_e).copy() # Remove all at once to avoid accessing the queue repeatedly if rm_selected: trimmed_st = Stream() for _bulk in bulk: network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime = _bulk trimmed = network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel) if len(trimmed) == 0: continue trimmed_st += trimmed.trim(starttime=endtime) # Put back into queue = trimmed_st Logger.debug(f"Returning stream for bulk: {bulk}:\n{st}") return st
[docs] def initiate_buffer(self, seed_ids: Iterable[str], starttime: UTCDateTime): """ Initial population of the buffer. Parameters ---------- seed_ids: Iterable of seed ids as starttime: Starttime to initialise buffer from """ st = Stream() bulk = [ tuple(seed_id.split('.') + [starttime, starttime + self.buffer_length]) for seed_id in seed_ids] for _bulk in bulk: st += self.client.get_waveforms(*_bulk) = st"Collected hidden buffer:\n{st}") return
def _clear_killer(self): """ Clear the killer Queue. """ while True: try: self._killer_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: break while True: try: self._dead_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: break
[docs] def maintain_buffer(self): """ Maintain buffer length in the background. """ self._maintain = True self._clear_killer() maintaining_process = Process( target=self._bg_run, name="MaintainProcess") # streaming_process.daemon = True maintaining_process.start() self.processes.append(maintaining_process)"Started streaming")
def _bg_run(self): """ Run the run methods in the background and close nicely when done. """ while self._maintain:"Running stopped, busy set to False") try: self._dead_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: pass self._dead_queue.put(True) return
[docs] def background_stop(self): """Stop the background process.""""Adding Poison to Kill Queue") self._killer_queue.put(True) self.stop() # Wait until streaming has stopped Logger.debug( f"Waiting for maintaining to stop: status = {self._maintain}") while self._maintain: try: self._maintain = not self._dead_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: time.sleep(1) pass Logger.debug("Streaming stopped") # Empty queues for queue in [self._stream_queue, self._killer_queue]: while True: try: queue.get(block=False) except Empty: break # join the processes for process in self.processes:"Joining process") process.join(5) if hasattr(process, 'exitcode') and process.exitcode:"Process failed to join, terminating") process.terminate()"Terminated") process.join()"Process joined") self.processes = [] self._maintain = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Maintain buffer length """ kill = False while not self._stop_called: Logger.debug(f"Hidden Streamer running for: {self.stats}") new_stream = Stream() for nslc, (starttime, endtime) in self.stats.items():"Hidden Streamer: {nslc} length: " f"{endtime - starttime}, min-length: " f"{self._min_buffer_length}") if endtime - starttime <= self._min_buffer_length: endtime = starttime + self.buffer_length net, sta, loc, chan = nslc f"Updating buffer for {net}.{sta}.{loc}.{chan} " f"between {starttime} and {endtime}") new_stream += self.client.get_waveforms( network=net, station=sta, channel=chan, location=loc, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) if len(new_stream): Logger.debug(f"Acquired new data for buffer: {new_stream}") new_stream += new_stream.merge() = new_stream # Sleep in small steps _sleep, sleep_duration, sleep_step = ( 0, (self._min_buffer_length / 2) / self.speed_up, 0.5) Logger.debug(f"Sleeping for {sleep_duration}") while _sleep <= sleep_duration: # If this is running in a process then we need to check the queue try: kill = self._killer_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: kill = False Logger.debug(f"Kill status: {kill}") if kill: Logger.warning("Termination called, stopping collect loop") self.on_terminate() break time.sleep(sleep_step) _sleep += sleep_step if kill: break Logger.debug("Out of run loop, returning") self._maintain = False return
def stop(self) -> None:"STOP! Hidden streamer") self._stop_called = True
[docs] def on_terminate(self): # pragma: no cover """ Handle termination gracefully """"Termination of {0}".format(self.__repr__())) if not self._stop_called: # Make sure we don't double-call stop methods if len(self.processes): self.background_stop() else: self.stop() else:"Stop already called - not duplicating")
[docs]class RealTimeClient(_StreamingClient): """ Simulation of a real-time client for past data. Used for testing Parameters ---------- server_url URL or mappabale name of the client, if not providing a Client, then this should be the argument to set-up a client of `client_type` client Any client or that supports waveform data queries. starttime Starttime for client (in the past) client_type Obspy client type to start-up, only used if `client=None`. query_interval Interval in seconds to query the client for new data speed_up Multiplier to run faster than real-time (real-time is 1.0). buffer Stream to buffer data into buffer_capacity Length of buffer in seconds. Old data are removed in a FIFO style. """ client_base = "obspy.clients" can_add_streams = True max_threads = os.cpu_count() + 4 def __init__( self, server_url: str, starttime: UTCDateTime, client=None, client_type: str = "FDSN", query_interval: float = 10., speed_up: float = 1., buffer: Stream = None, buffer_capacity: float = 600., pre_empt_data: bool = True, pre_empt_len: float = 6000., ) -> None: if client is None: try: _client_module = importlib.import_module( f"{self.client_base}.{client_type.lower()}") client = _client_module.Client(server_url) except Exception as e: Logger.error("Could not instantiate simulated client") raise e self.client = client super().__init__( server_url=self.client.base_url, buffer=buffer, buffer_capacity=buffer_capacity) self.starttime = starttime self.query_interval = query_interval self.speed_up = speed_up self.bulk = [] self.streaming = False self.pre_empt_data = pre_empt_data # Convert to pre-emptive client. if pre_empt_data and not isinstance(self.client, StreamClient): self.client = StreamClient( self.client, min_buffer_fraction=0.2, buffer_length=pre_empt_len or 10 * buffer_capacity, speed_up=speed_up) "Instantiated simulated real-time client " "(starttime = {0}): {1}".format(self.starttime, self))
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Dummy - client is always started. """ self.started = True return
[docs] def restart(self) -> None: """ Restart the streamer. """ self.stop() self.start()
[docs] def copy(self, empty_buffer: bool = True): if empty_buffer: buffer = Stream() else: buffer = return RealTimeClient( server_url=self.client.base_url, client=self.client, starttime=self.starttime, query_interval=self.query_interval, speed_up=self.speed_up, buffer=buffer, buffer_capacity=self.buffer_capacity)
[docs] def select_stream(self, net: str, station: str, selector: str) -> None: """ Select streams to "stream". net The network id station The station id selector a valid SEED ID channel selector, e.g. ``EHZ`` or ``EH?`` """ _bulk = { "network": net, "station": station, "location": "*", "channel": selector, "starttime": None, "endtime": None} if _bulk not in self.bulk: Logger.debug("Added {0} to streaming selection".format(_bulk)) self.bulk.append(_bulk)
def _collect_bulk(self, last_query_start, now, executor): query_passed, st = True, Stream() for _bulk in self.bulk: # jitter = random.randint(int(self.query_interval / 10) or 1) jitter = 0 _bulk.update({ "starttime": last_query_start, "endtime": now - jitter}) if self.pre_empt_data: # Use inbuilt bulk method - more efficient return self.client.get_waveforms_bulk( [(b['network'], b['station'], b['location'], b['channel'], b['starttime'], b['endtime']) for b in self.bulk]), True futures = {executor.submit(self.client.get_waveforms, **_bulk): _bulk for _bulk in self.bulk} for future in as_completed(futures): _bulk = futures[future] try: _st = future.result() except Exception as e: Logger.error("Failed (bulk={0})".format(_bulk)) Logger.error(e) query_passed = False continue st += _st return st, query_passed def run(self) -> None: assert len(self.bulk) > 0, "Select a stream first" if self.pre_empt_data:"Collecting pre-emptive data") _sids = [ f"{b['network']}.{b['station']}.{b['location']}.{b['channel']}" for b in self.bulk] self.client.initiate_buffer( seed_ids=_sids, starttime=self.starttime) self.client.maintain_buffer() self.streaming = True # start threadpool executor executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(len(self.bulk), self.max_threads)) now = deepcopy(self.starttime) self.last_data = last_query_start = now - self.query_interval killed = False while not self._stop_called: _query_start = st, query_passed = self._collect_bulk( last_query_start=last_query_start, now=now, executor=executor) Logger.debug(f"Received stream from streamer: {st}") a = Logger.debug(f"Getting data took {(a - _query_start) * self.speed_up}s") for tr in st: self.on_data(tr) time.sleep(0.0001) b = Logger.debug(f"on_data took {(b - a) * self.speed_up}s") # Put the data in the buffer self._add_data_from_queue() Logger.debug(f"_add_data_from_queue took {( - b) * self.speed_up}s") _query_duration = ( - _query_start) * self.speed_up # work in fake time Logger.debug( "It took {0:.2f}s to query the database and sort data".format( _query_duration)) sleep_step = self.query_interval - _query_duration if sleep_step > 0: Logger.debug("Waiting {0:.2f}s before next query".format( sleep_step)) # Report fake time _slept, _sleep_int = 0.0, min(1, (sleep_step / self.speed_up) / 100) # Sleep in small steps to make death responsive while _slept < sleep_step / self.speed_up: tic = time.perf_counter() time.sleep(_sleep_int) killed = self._kill_check() if killed: break _slept += time.perf_counter() - tic Logger.debug("Waking up") else: Logger.warning(f"Query ({_query_duration} took longer than query " f"interval {self.query_interval}") killed = self._kill_check() if killed: break now += max(self.query_interval, _query_duration) if query_passed: # last_query_start = min(_bulk["endtime"] for _bulk in self.bulk) if len(st): last_query_start = min(tr.stats.endtime for tr in st) # Don't update if we didn't get a stream! self.streaming = False # shut down threadpool, we done. executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True) if self.pre_empt_data: self.client.background_stop() return
[docs] def stop(self) -> None:"STOP! obspy streamer") if self.pre_empt_data: self.client.background_stop() self._stop_called, self.started = True, False
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest logging.basicConfig(level="DEBUG") doctest.testmod()