Source code for rt_eqcorrscan.rt_match_filter

Classes for real-time matched-filter detection of earthquakes.
import shutil
import time
import traceback
import os
import logging
import copy
import numpy
import gc
import glob
import subprocess
import numpy as np

# Memory tracking for debugging
# import psutil
# from pympler import summary, muppy

from typing import Union, List, Iterable

from obspy import Stream, UTCDateTime, Inventory, Trace
from obsplus import WaveBank
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from multiprocessing import Lock
from eqcorrscan import Tribe, Template, Party, Detection
from eqcorrscan.utils.pre_processing import _prep_data_for_correlation

from rt_eqcorrscan.streaming.streaming import _StreamingClient
from rt_eqcorrscan.event_trigger.triggers import average_rate
from rt_eqcorrscan.config.mailer import Notifier

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RealTimeTribe(Tribe): sleep_step = 1.0 plotter = None plotting_exclude_channels = [ "EHE", "EHN", "EH1", "EH2", "HHE", "HHN", "HH1", "HH2"] """ Real-Time tribe for real-time matched-filter detection. Parameters ---------- name Tribe identifier - used to define save path. tribe Tribe of templates to use for detection. inventory Inventory of stations used for detection. rt_client Real-Time Client for streaming data. detect_interval Frequency to conduct detection. Must be less than buffer_capacity. plot Whether to generate the real-time bokeh plot plot_options Plotting options parsed to `rt_eqcorrscan.plotting.plot_buffer` wavebank WaveBank to save data to. Used for backfilling by RealTimeTribe. Set to `None` to not use a WaveBank. sleep_step Default sleep-step in seconds while waiting for data. Defaults to 1.0 plotting_exclude_channels Channels to exclude from plotting """ # Management of detection multi-processing process_cores = 2 _parallel_processing = True # This seems unstable for subprocessing. max_correlation_cores = None # Thread management lock = Lock() # Lock for access to internals _running = False _detecting_thread = None _backfillers = dict() # Backfill subprocesses _backfill_tribe = Tribe() # Tribe of as-yet unused templates for backfilling _last_backfill_start = # Time of last backfill run - update on run _number_of_backfillers = 0 # Book-keeping of backfiller processes. _clean_backfillers = False # If false will leave temporary backfiller dirs busy = False _speed_up = 1.0 # For simulated runs - do not change for real-time! _stream_end = UTCDateTime(1970, 1, 1) # End of real-time data - will be # updated in first loop. Used for keeping track of when templates are relative # to the data received. _spoilers = True # If the reactor gets ahead of the rt_match_filter (in # simulations) then templates from the future might be read in. Set this to # False to disallow templates from the future _max_wait_length = 60. _fig = None # Cache figures to save memory _template_dir = "new_templates" # Where new templates should be. _min_run_length = 24 * 3600 # Minimum run-length in seconds. # Usurped by max_run_length, used to set a threshold for rate calculation. # WaveBank management wavebank_lock = Lock() has_wavebank = False def __init__( self, name: str = None, tribe: Tribe = None, inventory: Inventory = None, rt_client: _StreamingClient = None, detect_interval: float = 60., backfill_interval: float = 600., plot: bool = True, plot_options: dict = None, wavebank: Union[str, WaveBank] = WaveBank("Streaming_WaveBank"), notifer: Notifier = Notifier() ) -> None: super().__init__(templates=tribe.templates) self.rt_client = rt_client assert (self.rt_client.buffer_capacity >= max( [template.process_length for template in self.templates])) assert (self.rt_client.buffer_capacity >= detect_interval) = name or "RealTimeTribe" self.inventory = inventory = Party() self.detect_interval = detect_interval self.backfill_interval = backfill_interval self.plot = plot self.notifier = notifer self.plot_options = {} if plot_options is not None: self.plot_length = plot_options.get("plot_length", 300) self.plot_options.update({ key: value for key, value in plot_options.items() if key != "plot_length"}) self.detections = [] # Wavebank status to avoid accessing the underlying, lockable, wavebank if isinstance(wavebank, str): wavebank = WaveBank(wavebank) self.__wavebank = wavebank if wavebank: self.has_wavebank = True self._wavebank_warned = False # Reduce duplicate warnings def __repr__(self): """ Print information about the tribe. .. rubric:: Example >>> from rt_eqcorrscan.streaming.clients.seedlink import RealTimeClient >>> rt_client = RealTimeClient(server_url="") >>> tribe = RealTimeTribe( ... tribe=Tribe([Template(name='a', process_length=60)]), ... rt_client=rt_client) >>> print(tribe) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Real-Time Tribe of 1 templates on client: Seed-link client at, status: Stopped, \ buffer capacity: 600.0s Current Buffer: Buffer(0 traces, maxlen=600.0) """ return 'Real-Time Tribe of {0} templates on client:\n{1}'.format( self.__len__(), self.rt_client) @property def template_seed_ids(self) -> set: """ Channel-ids used in the templates. """ return set( for template in self.templates for tr in @property def used_seed_ids(self) -> set: """ Channel-ids in the inventory. """ if self.inventory is None: return set() return set("{net}.{sta}.{loc}.{chan}".format( net=net.code, sta=sta.code, loc=chan.location_code, chan=chan.code) for net in self.inventory for sta in net for chan in sta) @property def expected_seed_ids(self) -> set: """ ids of channels to be used for detection. """ if self.inventory is None or len(self.inventory) == 0: return self.template_seed_ids return self.template_seed_ids.intersection(self.used_seed_ids) @property def used_stations(self) -> set: """ Set of station names used in detection. """ if self.inventory is None: return set() return {sta.code for net in self.inventory for sta in net} @property def minimum_data_for_detection(self) -> float: """ Get the minimum required data length (in seconds) for detection. """ return max(template.process_length for template in self.templates) @property def running_templates(self) -> set: """ Get a set of the names of the running templates. Note that names are not guaranteed to be unique. """ return { for t in self.templates} @property def wavebank(self): return self.__wavebank @wavebank.setter def wavebank(self, wavebank: WaveBank): self.__wavebank = wavebank if wavebank: self.has_wavebank = True else: self.has_wavebank = False def _ensure_templates_have_enough_stations(self, min_stations): """ Remove templates that don't have enough stations. """ self.templates = [ t for t in self.templates if len({tr.stats.station for tr in}.intersection( self.used_stations)) >= min_stations] def _remove_old_detections(self, endtime: UTCDateTime) -> None: """ Remove detections older than keep duration. Works in-place. """ # Use a copy to avoid changing list while iterating for d in copy.copy(self.detections): if d.detect_time <= endtime: self.detections.remove(d) def _remove_unused_backfillers( self, trig_int: float, hypocentral_separation: float, earliest_detection_time: UTCDateTime, detect_directory: str, save_waveforms: bool, plot_detections: bool, **kwargs ): """ Expire unused back fill processes to release resources. """ active_backfillers = dict() for backfiller_name, backfill_process in self._backfillers.items(): if backfill_process.poll() is not None:"Handling detections from {backfiller_name}") self._backfiller_return( backfiller_name=backfiller_name, trig_int=trig_int, hypocentral_separation=hypocentral_separation, earliest_detection_time=earliest_detection_time, detect_directory=detect_directory, save_waveforms=save_waveforms, plot_detections=plot_detections)"Cleaning backfiller {backfiller_name}") if os.path.isdir(backfiller_name): if self._clean_backfillers: shutil.rmtree(backfiller_name) else: Logger.warning(f"Did not find backfiller temp dir {backfiller_name}") else: active_backfillers.update({backfiller_name: backfill_process}) Logger.debug(f"There are {len(active_backfillers)} backfillers currently active") self._backfillers = active_backfillers def _access_wavebank( self, method: str, timeout: float = None, *args, **kwargs ): """ Thread and process safe access to the wavebank. Multiple processes cannot access the underlying HDF5 file at the same time. This method waits until access to the HDF5 file is available and Parameters ---------- method Method of wavebank to call timeout Maximum time to try to get access to the file args Arguments passed to method kwargs Keyword arguments passed to method Returns ------- Whatever should be returned by the method. """ if not self.has_wavebank: if not self._wavebank_warned: Logger.error("No wavebank attached to streamer") return None timer, wait_step = 0.0, 0.5 Logger.debug("Getting wavebank lock") with self.wavebank_lock: try: func = self.wavebank.__getattribute__(method) except AttributeError: Logger.error(f"No wavebank method named {method}") return None # Attempt to access the underlying wavebank out = None while timer < timeout: Logger.debug(f"Trying to call {method} on wavebank") tic = time.time() try: out = func(*args, **kwargs) break except (IOError, OSError) as e: Logger.warning(f"Call to {method} failed due to {e}") time.sleep(wait_step) toc = time.time() timer += toc - tic else: Logger.error( f"Waited {timer} s and could not access the wavebank " f"due to {e}") return out
[docs] def get_wavebank_stream(self, bulk: List[tuple]) -> Stream: """ processsafe get-waveforms-bulk call """ st = self._access_wavebank( method="get_waveforms_bulk", timeout=120., bulk=bulk) return st
[docs] def get_wavebank_files(self, bulk: List[tuple]) -> List[str]: """ processsafe way to get the file paths meeting bulk criteria """ paths = [] for _bulk in bulk: index = self._access_wavebank( method="read_index", timeout=120, network=_bulk[0], station=_bulk[1], location=_bulk[2], channel=_bulk[3], starttime=_bulk[4], endtime=_bulk[5]) files = (str(self.wavebank.bank_path) + os.sep + index.path).unique() paths.extend(list(files)) return paths
def _backfiller_return( self, backfiller_name: str, trig_int: float, hypocentral_separation: float, earliest_detection_time: UTCDateTime, detect_directory: str, save_waveforms: bool, plot_detections: bool, ): """ Handle finalisation of backfillers. Parameters ---------- backfiller_name """ if os.path.isfile(f"{backfiller_name}/party.tgz"): party = Party().read(f"{backfiller_name}/party.tgz") else:"No party written by backfiller - no detections") return"Read backfiller party of {len(party)} detections") if len(party) == 0: return"Backfill handling: Trying to get lock - Lock status: {self.lock}") with self.lock:"Backfill handling: Lock acquired - Lock status: {self.lock}") self._handle_detections( party, trig_int=trig_int, hypocentral_separation=hypocentral_separation, earliest_detection_time=earliest_detection_time, detect_directory=detect_directory, save_waveforms=save_waveforms, plot_detections=plot_detections, st=None, skip_existing=False, backfill_dir=backfiller_name) self._remove_old_detections(earliest_detection_time)"Party now contains {0} detections".format( len(self.detections)))"Backfill handling: Lock released - Lock status {self.lock}") return def _handle_detections( self, new_party: Party, trig_int: float, hypocentral_separation: float, earliest_detection_time: UTCDateTime, detect_directory: str, save_waveforms: bool, plot_detections: bool, st: Stream = None, skip_existing: bool = True, backfill_dir: str = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Handle new detections - do all the additional post-detection processing Parameters ---------- new_party The party of new detections trig_int Minimum inter-detection time in seconds. hypocentral_separation Maximum inter-event distance in km to consider detections as being duplicates. earliest_detection_time Earliest (oldest) detection-time to be kept. detect_directory The head directory to write to - will create "{detect_directory}/{year}/{julian day}" directories save_waveforms Whether to save the waveform for the detected event or not plot_detections Whether to plot the detection waveform or not st The stream the detection was made in - required for save_waveform and plot_detection. skip_existing Whether to skip detections already written to disk. backfill_dir Location of backfiller if these detections have come from a backfiller. """ _detected_templates = [ for f in] for family in new_party: if family is None: continue for d in family: d._calculate_event(template=family.template) Logger.debug(f"New detection at {d.detect_time}") # Cope with no picks and hence no origins - these events have to be removed family.detections = [d for d in family if len(] if not in _detected_templates: else: family.detections)"Removing duplicate detections")"Party contained {len(} before decluster") if len( > 0: # TODO: Need to remove detections from disk that are removed in decluster trig_int=trig_int, timing="origin", metric="cor_sum", hypocentral_separation=hypocentral_separation)"Completed decluster")"Party contains {len(} after decluster")"Writing detections to disk") # Cope with not being given a stream read_st = False if st is None and backfill_dir is None: read_st = True # TODO: Need a better way to keep track of written detections - unique keys for detections? # TODO: This is slow, and for Kaikoura, this is what stops it from running in real time for family in for detection in family: # TODO: this check doesn't necassarily work well - detections may be the same physical detection, but different Detection objects if detection in self.detections: continue detect_file_base = _detection_filename( detection=detection, detect_directory=detect_directory) _filename = f"{detect_file_base}.xml" if os.path.isfile(f"{detect_file_base}.xml") and skip_existing:"{_filename} exists, skipping") continue Logger.debug(f"Writing detection: {detection.detect_time}") # TODO: Do not do this, let some other process work on making the waveforms. if read_st: max_shift = ( max(tr.stats.endtime for tr in - min(tr.stats.starttime for tr in bulk = [ (, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location,, (detection.detect_time - 5), (detection.detect_time + max_shift + 5)) for tr in] st = self.wavebank.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk) st_read = True self._fig = _write_detection( detection=detection, detect_file_base=detect_file_base, save_waveform=save_waveforms, plot_detection=plot_detections, stream=st, fig=self._fig, backfill_dir=backfill_dir, detect_dir=detect_directory)"Expiring old detections") # Empty self.detections self.detections.clear() for family in Logger.debug(f"Checking for {}") family.detections = [ d for d in family.detections if d.detect_time >= earliest_detection_time] Logger.debug(f"Appending {len(family)} detections") for detection in family: # Need to append rather than create a new object self.detections.append(detection) return def _plot(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Plot the data as it comes in. """ from rt_eqcorrscan.plotting.plot_buffer import EQcorrscanPlot self._wait() plot_options = copy.deepcopy(self.plot_options) update_interval = plot_options.pop("update_interval", 100.) plot_height = plot_options.pop("plot_height", 800) plot_width = plot_options.pop("plot_width", 1500) offline = plot_options.pop("offline", False) self.plotter = EQcorrscanPlot( rt_client=self.rt_client, plot_length=self.plot_length, tribe=self, inventory=self.inventory, detections=self.detections, exclude_channels=self.plotting_exclude_channels, update_interval=update_interval, plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, offline=offline, **plot_options) self.plotter.background_run() def _wait(self, wait: float = None, detection_kwargs: dict = None) -> None: """ Wait for `wait` seconds, or until all channels are available. """ if wait is not None and wait <= 0:"No fucking about - get back! (wait: {wait}") return"Waiting for data.") max_wait = min(self._max_wait_length, self.rt_client.buffer_capacity) wait_length = 0. while True: tic = time.time() if detection_kwargs: # Check on backfillers self._remove_unused_backfillers(**detection_kwargs) if - self._last_backfill_start >= (self.backfill_interval / self._speed_up) and \ len(self._backfill_tribe) and detection_kwargs:"Starting backfilling with {len(self._backfill_tribe)} templates") self.backfill(templates=self._backfill_tribe.copy(), **detection_kwargs) # Empty the tribe self._backfill_tribe.templates = [] self._last_backfill_start = # Wait until we have some data Logger.debug( "Waiting for data, currently have {0} channels of {1} " "expected channels".format( len(self.rt_client.buffer_ids), len(self.expected_seed_ids))) if detection_kwargs: self._add_templates_from_disk( min_stations=detection_kwargs.get("min_station", None)) else: new_tribe = self._read_templates_from_disk() if len(new_tribe) > 0: self.templates.extend(new_tribe.templates) # Only sleep if this ran faster than sleep step iter_time = time.time() - tic sleep_step = self.sleep_step - iter_time Logger.debug(f"Iteration of wait took {iter_time}s. Sleeping for {sleep_step}s") if sleep_step > 0: time.sleep(sleep_step) toc_sleep = time.time() wait_length += (toc_sleep - tic) if wait is None: if len(self.rt_client.buffer_ids) >= len(self.expected_seed_ids): break if wait_length >= max_wait: Logger.warning( "Starting operation without the full dataset") break elif wait_length >= wait: break pass return def _start_streaming(self): if not self.rt_client.started: self.rt_client.start() if self.rt_client.can_add_streams: for tr_id in self.expected_seed_ids: self.rt_client.select_stream( net=tr_id.split('.')[0], station=tr_id.split('.')[1], selector=tr_id.split('.')[3]) else: Logger.warning("Client already in streaming mode," " cannot add channels") if not self.rt_client.streaming: self.rt_client.background_run()"Started real-time streaming") else:"Real-time streaming already running") def _runtime_check(self, run_start, max_run_length): run_time = - run_start if max_run_length is None: f"Run time: {run_time:.2f}s, no maximum run length") else: f"Run time: {run_time:.2f}s, max_run_length: {max_run_length:.2f}s") if run_time > max_run_length: Logger.critical("Hit maximum run time, stopping.") self.stop() return False return True
[docs] def run( self, threshold: float, threshold_type: str, trig_int: float, hypocentral_separation: float = None, min_stations: int = None, keep_detections: float = 86400, detect_directory: str = "{name}/detections", plot_detections: bool = True, save_waveforms: bool = True, max_run_length: float = None, minimum_rate: float = None, backfill_to: UTCDateTime = None, backfill_client=None, **kwargs ) -> Party: """ Run the RealTimeTribe detection. Detections will be added to a party and returned when the detection is done. Detections will be stored in memory for up to `keep_detections` seconds. Detections will also be written to individual files in the `detect_directory`. Parameters ---------- threshold Threshold for detection threshold_type Type of threshold to use. See `eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Tribe.detect` for options. trig_int Minimum inter-detection time in seconds. hypocentral_separation Maximum inter-event distance in km to consider detections as being duplicates. min_stations Minimum number of stations required to make a detection. keep_detections Duration to store detection in memory for in seconds. detect_directory Relative path to directory for detections. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist - tribe name will be appended to this string to give the directory name. plot_detections Whether to plot detections or not - plots will be saved to the `detect_directory` as png images. save_waveforms Whether to save waveforms of detections or not - waveforms will be saved in the `detect_directory` as miniseed files. max_run_length Maximum detection run time in seconds. Default is to run indefinitely. minimum_rate Stopping criteria: if the detection rate drops below this the detector will stop. If set to None, then the detector will run until `max_run_length`. Units: events per day backfill_to Time to backfill the data buffer to. backfill_client Client to use to backfill the data buffer. Returns ------- The party created - will not contain detections expired by `keep_detections` threshold. """ # Update backfill start time self._last_backfill_start = restart_interval = 600.0 # Squash duplicate channels to avoid excessive channels self.templates = [squash_duplicates(t) for t in self.templates] # Reshape the templates first if len(self.templates) > 0: self.templates = reshape_templates( templates=self.templates, used_seed_ids=self.expected_seed_ids) else: Logger.error("No templates, will not run") return Party() # Remove templates that do not have enough stations in common with the # inventory. min_stations = min_stations or 0 n = len(self.templates) self._ensure_templates_have_enough_stations(min_stations=min_stations) n -= len(self.templates) f"{n} templates were removed because they did not share enough " f"stations with the inventory. {len(self.templates)} will be used") if len(self.templates) == 0: Logger.critical("No templates remain, not running") return Party() # Fix unsupported args try: if kwargs.pop("plot"):"EQcorrscan plotting disabled") except KeyError: pass _cores = kwargs.get("cores", None) if _cores: self.max_correlation_cores = min( kwargs.pop("cores"), self.max_correlation_cores) run_start = detection_iteration = 0 # Counter for number of detection loops run if not self.busy: self.busy = True detect_directory = detect_directory.format( if not os.path.isdir(detect_directory): os.makedirs(detect_directory) # Get this locally before streaming starts buffer_capacity = self.rt_client.buffer_capacity # Start the streamer self._start_streaming()"Detection will use the following data: {0}".format( self.expected_seed_ids)) if backfill_client and backfill_to: backfill = Stream() self._wait() _buffer = for tr_id in self.expected_seed_ids: try: tr_in_buffer =[0] except IndexError: continue endtime = tr_in_buffer.stats.starttime if endtime - backfill_to > buffer_capacity:"Truncating backfill to buffer length") starttime = endtime - buffer_capacity else: starttime = backfill_to if starttime > endtime: continue try: tr = backfill_client.get_waveforms( *tr_id.split('.'), starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime).merge()[0] except Exception as e: Logger.error("Could not back fill due to: {0}".format(e)) Logger.error(f"The request was: {tr_id.split('.')}," f" starttime={starttime}, endtime={endtime}") continue Logger.debug("Downloaded backfill: {0}".format(tr)) backfill += tr for tr in backfill: # Get the lock! Logger.debug(f"Adding {} to the buffer") self.rt_client.on_data(tr) Logger.debug("Stream in buffer is now: {0}".format( if self.plot: # pragma: no cover # Set up plotting thread self._plot()"Plotting thread started") if not self.rt_client.buffer_length >= self.minimum_data_for_detection: sleep_step = ( self.minimum_data_for_detection - self.rt_client.buffer_length + 5) / self._speed_up"Sleeping for {0:.2f}s while accumulating data".format( sleep_step)) self._wait(sleep_step) first_data = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in]) detection_kwargs = dict( threshold=threshold, threshold_type=threshold_type, trig_int=trig_int, hypocentral_separation=hypocentral_separation, keep_detections=keep_detections, detect_directory=detect_directory, plot_detections=plot_detections, save_waveforms=save_waveforms, maximum_backfill=first_data, endtime=None, min_stations=min_stations, earliest_detection_time=None) long_runs, long_run_time = 0, 0 # Keep track of over-running loops try: while self.busy: try: self._running = True # Lock tribe start_time = st = # Warn if data are gappy gappy = False for tr in st: if gappy = True gaps = tr.split().get_gaps() Logger.warning(f"Masked data found on {}. Gaps: {gaps}") if gappy: st = st.merge() # Re-merge after gap checking if self.has_wavebank: st = _check_stream_is_int(st) try: self._access_wavebank( method="put_waveforms", timeout=10., stream=st) except Exception as e: Logger.error( f"Could not write to wavebank due to {e}") last_data_received = self.rt_client.last_data # Split to remove trailing mask if len(st) == 0: Logger.warning("No data") continue elif last_data_received is None: Logger.warning("Streamer incorrectly reported None for last data received, " "setting to stream end") last_data_received = max(tr.stats.endtime for tr in st) f"Streaming Client last received data at " f"{last_data_received}") self._stream_end = max(tr.stats.endtime for tr in st) min_stream_end = min(tr.stats.endtime for tr in st) # Update detection kwargs endtime to end of current data - no need to backfill beyond that detection_kwargs["endtime"] = self._stream_end f"Real-time client provided data: \n{st.__str__(extended=True)}") # Cope with data that doesn't come if start_time - last_data_received > restart_interval: Logger.warning( "The streaming client has not given any new data for " f"{restart_interval} seconds. Restarting Streaming client")"start_time: {start_time}, last_data_received: " f"{last_data_received}, stream_end: {self._stream_end}")"Stopping streamer") self.rt_client.background_stop() self.rt_client.stop() # Get a clean instance just in case"Starting streamer") self._start_streaming()"Streamer started") st = # Get data again."Streaming client seems healthy") # Remove any data that shouldn't be there - sometimes GeoNet's # Seedlink client gives old data. f"Trimming between {self._stream_end - (buffer_capacity + 20.0)} " f"and {self._stream_end}") st.trim( starttime=self._stream_end - (buffer_capacity + 20.0), endtime=self._stream_end) if detection_iteration > 0: # For the first run we want to detect in everything we have. # Otherwise trim so that all channels have at-least minimum data for detection st.trim( starttime=min_stream_end - self.minimum_data_for_detection, endtime=self._stream_end)"Trimmed data") if len(st) == 0: Logger.warning("No data") continue # Remove short channels st.traces = [ tr for tr in st if _numpy_len( >= ( .8 * self.minimum_data_for_detection)] if len(st) == 0: Logger.error("Insufficient data after trimming, accumulating") continue"Starting detection run") # merge again - checking length can split the data? st = st.merge()"Using data: \n{0}".format( st.__str__(extended=True))) try: Logger.debug("Currently have {0} templates in tribe".format( len(self))) new_party = self.detect( stream=st, plot=False, threshold=threshold, threshold_type=threshold_type, trig_int=trig_int, xcorr_func="fftw", concurrency="concurrent", cores=self.max_correlation_cores, process_cores=self.process_cores, parallel_process=self._parallel_processing, ignore_bad_data=True, copy_data=False, **kwargs)"Completed detection") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover Logger.error(e) Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if "Cannot allocate memory" in str(e): Logger.error("Out of memory, stopping this detector") self.stop() break if not self._runtime_check( run_start=run_start, max_run_length=max_run_length): break "Waiting for {0:.2f}s and hoping this gets " "better".format(self.detect_interval)) time.sleep(self.detect_interval) continue"Trying to get lock - Lock status: {self.lock}") detection_kwargs.update( dict(earliest_detection_time=self._stream_end - keep_detections)) with self.lock:"Lock acquired - Lock status: {self.lock}") if len(new_party) > 0: self._handle_detections( new_party, st=st, **detection_kwargs) self._remove_old_detections( self._stream_end - keep_detections)"Party now contains {0} detections".format( len(self.detections)))"Lock released - Lock status {self.lock}") self._running = False # Release lock run_time = ( - start_time) * self._speed_up # Work in fake time"Detection took {0:.2f}s".format(run_time)) if self.detect_interval <= run_time: long_run_time += run_time long_runs += 1 if long_runs > 10: long_run_time /= long_runs # NEVER EXCEED THE BUFFER LENGTH!!!! new_detect_interval = min(self.rt_client.buffer_length - 10, long_run_time + 10) Logger.warning( "detect_interval {0:.2f} shorter than run-time for 10 occasions" "{1:.2f}, increasing detect_interval to {2:.2f}".format( self.detect_interval, run_time, new_detect_interval)) self.detect_interval = new_detect_interval long_runs, long_run_time = 0, 0 # Reset counters"Iteration {0} took {1:.2f}s total".format( detection_iteration, run_time))"Waiting {0:.2f}s until next run".format( self.detect_interval - run_time)) detection_iteration += 1 self._wait( wait=(self.detect_interval - run_time) / self._speed_up, # Convert to real-time detection_kwargs=detection_kwargs) if not self._runtime_check( run_start=run_start, max_run_length=max_run_length): self.stop() break if minimum_rate and > run_start + self._min_run_length: _rate = average_rate( self.detections, starttime=max( self._stream_end - keep_detections, first_data), endtime=self._stream_end)"Average rate:\t{_rate}, " f"minimum rate:\t{minimum_rate}") if _rate < minimum_rate: Logger.critical( "Rate ({0:.2f}) has dropped below minimum rate, " "stopping.".format(_rate)) self.stop() break #"Enforcing garbage collection") # gc.collect() # Memory output #"Working out memory use") # sum1 = summary.summarize(muppy.get_objects()) # for line in summary.format_(sum1): # # Total memory used for process according to psutil # total_memory_mb = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2 #"Total memory used by {os.getpid()}: {total_memory_mb:.4f} MB") except Exception as e: # Error locally and mail this in! Logger.critical(f"Uncaught error: {e}") Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) message = f"""\ Uncaught error: {e} Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()} """ self.notifier.notify(content=message) if not self._runtime_check( run_start=run_start, max_run_length=max_run_length): break finally: Logger.critical("Stopping") self.stop() return
def _read_templates_from_disk(self): template_files = glob.glob(f"{self._template_dir}/*") if len(template_files) == 0: return [] Logger.debug(f"Checking for events in {self._template_dir}") new_tribe = Tribe() for template_file in template_files: if os.path.isdir(template_file): # Can happen if the archive hasn't finished being created continue Logger.debug(f"Reading from {template_file}") try: template = Template().read(template_file) except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not read {template_file} due to {e}") continue template_endtime = max(tr.stats.endtime for tr in if template_endtime > self._stream_end: msg = (f"Template {template_file} ends at {template_endtime}, " f"after now: {self._stream_end}") if self._spoilers: Logger.warning(msg) else: Logger.debug(msg) continue # Skip and do not remove template, we will get it later # If we got to here we can add the template to the tribe and remove the file. new_tribe += template if os.path.isfile(template_file): os.remove(template_file) # Remove file once done with it. new_tribe.templates = [t for t in new_tribe if not in self.running_templates] if len(new_tribe):"Read in {len(new_tribe)} new templates from disk") return new_tribe def _add_templates_from_disk( self, min_stations: int, ): new_tribe = self._read_templates_from_disk() if len(new_tribe) == 0: return f"Adding {len(new_tribe)} templates to already running tribe.") self.add_templates(new_tribe, min_stations=min_stations)
[docs] def add_templates( self, templates: Union[List[Template], Tribe], min_stations: int = None, ) -> set: """ Add templates to the tribe. This method will run the new templates back in time, then append the templates to the already running tribe. Parameters ---------- templates New templates to add to the tribe. min_stations: Minimum number of stations required to make a detection. Returns ------- Complete set of template names after addition """ while self._running:"Waiting for access to tribe in add_templates") time.sleep(1) # Wait until the lock is released if isinstance(templates, list): new_tribe = Tribe(templates) else: new_tribe = templates # Squash duplicate channels to avoid excessive channels new_tribe.templates = [squash_duplicates(t) for t in new_tribe.templates] # Reshape new_tribe.templates = reshape_templates( templates=new_tribe.templates, used_seed_ids=self.expected_seed_ids) # Remove templates that do not have enough stations. min_stations = min_stations or 0 n = len(new_tribe) new_tribe.templates = [ t for t in new_tribe.templates if len({tr.stats.station for tr in}.intersection( self.used_stations)) >= min_stations] n -= len(new_tribe) f"{n} templates were removed because they did not have enough " f"stations. {len(new_tribe)} will be added to the running tribe.") self.templates.extend(new_tribe.templates) # Add templates to backfill set. self._backfill_tribe.templates.extend(new_tribe.templates) return set( for t in self.templates)
[docs] def backfill( self, templates: Union[List[Template], Tribe], threshold: float, threshold_type: str, trig_int: float, maximum_backfill: Union[float, UTCDateTime] = None, endtime: UTCDateTime = None, plot_detections: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Backfill using data from rt_client's wavebank. This method will run the new templates through old data and record detections in the real-time-tribe. Parameters ---------- templates New templates to add to the tribe. threshold Threshold for detection threshold_type Type of threshold to use. See `eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Tribe.detect` for options. trig_int Minimum inter-detection time in seconds. maximum_backfill Time in seconds to backfill to - if this is larger than the difference between the time now and the time that the tribe started, then it will backfill to when the tribe started. endtime Time to stop the backfill, if None will run to now. """ # Get the stream - Only let the main process get the Stream"Acquiring stream from wavebank") endtime = endtime or if maximum_backfill is not None: if isinstance(maximum_backfill, (float, int)): starttime = endtime - maximum_backfill elif isinstance(maximum_backfill, UTCDateTime): starttime = maximum_backfill else: Logger.warning( f"maximum_backfill is {type(maximum_backfill)}, not float " "or UTCDateTime, starting from 0") starttime = UTCDateTime(0) else: starttime = UTCDateTime(0)"Backfilling between {starttime} and {endtime}") if starttime >= endtime or not self.has_wavebank:"No data meets backfill needs. Returning") return if self.expected_seed_ids and len(self.expected_seed_ids) > 0: bulk = [] for chan in self.expected_seed_ids: query = chan.split('.') query.extend([starttime, endtime]) bulk.append(tuple(query)) else: Logger.warning("No expected seed ids") return if len(bulk) == 0: Logger.warning("No bulk") return Logger.debug(f"Getting stations for backfill: {bulk}") # st = self.get_wavebank_stream(bulk) st_files = self.get_wavebank_files(bulk)"Concatenating {len(st_files)} stream files for backfill") self._number_of_backfillers += 1 backfiller_name = f"Backfiller_{self._number_of_backfillers}" # Make working directory and write files. if not os.path.isdir(backfiller_name): os.makedirs(backfiller_name, exist_ok=True) # Just copy all the files to a streams folder and use a LocalClient for backfiller os.makedirs(f"{backfiller_name}/streams") for st_file in st_files: st_file_new_path = st_file.split(str(self.wavebank.bank_path))[-1] st_file_new_path = f"{backfiller_name}/streams/{st_file_new_path}" os.makedirs(os.path.split(st_file_new_path)[0], exist_ok=True) # shutil.copyfile(st_file, st_file_new_path), st_file_new_path) # Link, rather than copy # st.write(f"{backfiller_name}/", format="MSEED") # with open(f"{backfiller_name}/", "wb") as fout: # for st_file in st_files: # with open(st_file, "rb") as fin: # fout.write( if isinstance(templates, Tribe): tribe = templates else: tribe = Tribe(templates) tribe.write(f"{backfiller_name}/tribe.tgz") del st_files # Force garbage collection before creating new process gc.collect() working_dir = os.path.abspath(backfiller_name) # Start backfiller subprocess script_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "reactor", "") _call = [ "python", script_path, "-w", working_dir, "-m", str(self.minimum_data_for_detection), "-t", str(threshold), "-T", threshold_type, "-i", str(trig_int), "-c", str(self.max_correlation_cores), "--starttime", str(starttime), "--endtime", str(endtime), "-P", # Enable parallel processing ] if plot_detections: _call.append("--plot") _call.append("-s") # Add on the list of expected seed ids _call.extend(self.expected_seed_ids)"Running `{call}`".format(call=" ".join(_call))) proc = subprocess.Popen(_call) self._backfillers.update({backfiller_name: proc})"Backfill process started, returning") return
[docs] def stop(self, write_stopfile: bool = False) -> None: """ Stop the real-time system. Parameters ---------- write_stopfile: Used to write a one-line file telling listening systems that this has stopped. Used by the Reactor. """ if self.plotter is not None: # pragma: no cover self.plotter.background_stop() self.rt_client.background_stop() self.busy = False self._running = False if self._detecting_thread is not None: self._detecting_thread.join() # Kill all the backfillers for backfiller in self._backfillers.values(): backfiller.kill() if self._clean_backfillers: for backfiller_name in self._backfillers.keys(): if os.path.isdir(backfiller_name): shutil.rmtree(backfiller_name) if write_stopfile: with open(".stopfile", "a") as f: f.write(f"{}\n")
[docs]def reshape_templates( templates: List[Template], used_seed_ids: Iterable[str] ) -> List[Template]: """ Reshape templates to have the full set of required channels (and no more). This is done within matched-filter as well as here - we do it here so that the templates are not reshaped every iteration. Parameters ---------- templates Templates to be reshaped - the templates are changed in-place used_seed_ids Seed-ids used for detection ( Returns ------- Templates filled for detection. """ template_streams = [ for t in templates] template_names = [ for t in templates] samp_rate = template_streams[0][0].stats.sampling_rate process_len = max(t.process_length for t in templates) # Make a dummy stream with all the used seed ids stream = Stream() for seed_id in used_seed_ids: net, sta, loc, chan = seed_id.split('.') tr = Trace(header=dict( network=net, station=sta, location=loc, channel=chan, sampling_rate=samp_rate), data=numpy.empty(int(process_len * samp_rate))) stream += tr _, template_streams, template_names = _prep_data_for_correlation( stream=stream, templates=template_streams, template_names=template_names, force_stream_epoch=False) templates_back = [] for template_st, template_name in zip(template_streams, template_names): original = [t for t in templates if == template_name] assert len(original) == 1 original = original[0] = template_st templates_back.append(original) return templates_back
[docs]def squash_duplicates(template: Template): """ Remove duplicate channels in templates. This happens when there are duplicate picks, and it fucks shit up. More explicitly (less?): when there are duplicate picks, duplicate channels appear in the template, which are then extended to all templates meaning that many copies of a template are run, resulting in excessive detection bias on one channel, and very expensive templates without good reason. """ from collections import Counter # Check if there are duplicate channels first seed_ids = Counter( for tr in if seed_ids.most_common(1)[0][1] == 1: # Do nothing, no duplicates return template unique_template_st = Stream() unique_event_picks = [] for seed_id, repeats in seed_ids.most_common(): # TODO: this restricts to only picks on that seed id - but we could just have matched picks on station seed_id_picks = [p for p in template.event.picks if p.waveform_id.get_seed_string() == seed_id and p.phase_hint[0] in "PS"] if repeats == 1: unique_template_st += unique_event_picks.append(seed_id_picks[0]) continue # Now we get to doing something - get the stream and the picks repeat_stream = # Get the unique start-times unique_traces = {tr.stats.starttime.datetime: tr for tr in repeat_stream.traces} if len(unique_traces) == 1: unique_template_st += unique_traces.popitem()[1] unique_event_picks.append(seed_id_picks[0]) continue # If there are more than one unique start-time then we need to # find the appropriate pick for each unique_picks = {f"{p.phase_hint}_{p.time}": p for p in seed_id_picks} for pick in unique_picks.values(): expected_starttime = pick.time - template.prepick tr = unique_traces.get(expected_starttime.datetime, None) if tr: unique_event_picks.append(pick) unique_template_st += tr else: Logger.debug(f"No trace for pick at {pick.time}") = unique_template_st template.event.picks = unique_event_picks return template
def _detection_filename( detection: Detection, detect_directory: str, ) -> str: _path = os.path.join( detect_directory, detection.detect_time.strftime("%Y"), detection.detect_time.strftime("%j")) if not os.path.isdir(_path): os.makedirs(_path) _filename = os.path.join( _path, detection.detect_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")) return _filename def _write_detection( detection: Detection, detect_file_base: str, save_waveform: bool, plot_detection: bool, stream: Stream, fig=None, backfill_dir: str = None, detect_dir: str = None ) -> Figure: """ Handle detection writing including writing streams and figures. Parameters ---------- detection The Detection to write detect_file_base File to write to (without extension) save_waveform Whether to save the waveform for the detected event or not plot_detection Whether to plot the detection waveform or not stream The stream the detection was made in - required for save_waveform and plot_detection. fig A figure object to reuse. backfill_dir: Backfill directory - set if the detections have already been written to this dir and just need to be copied. detect_dir Detection directory - only used to manipulate backfillers. Returns ------- An empty figure object to be reused if a figure was created, or the figure passed to it. """ from rt_eqcorrscan.plotting.plot_event import plot_event if backfill_dir: backfill_file_base = ( f"{backfill_dir}/detections/{detect_file_base.split(detect_dir)[-1]}")"Looking for detections in {backfill_file_base}.*") backfill_dets = glob.glob(f"{backfill_file_base}.*")"Copying {len(backfill_dets)} to main detections") for f in backfill_dets: ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1] shutil.copyfile(f, f"{detect_file_base}{ext}")"Copied {f} to {detect_file_base}{ext}") return fig try: detection.event.write(f"{detect_file_base}.xml", format="QUAKEML") except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not write event file due to {e}") detection.event.picks.sort(key=lambda p: p.time) st = stream.slice( detection.event.picks[0].time - 10, detection.event.picks[-1].time + 20).copy() if plot_detection: # Make plot fig = plot_event(fig=fig, event=detection.event, st=st, length=90, show=False) try: fig.savefig(f"{detect_file_base}.png") except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not write plot due to {e}") fig.clf() if save_waveform: st = _check_stream_is_int(st) try: st.write(f"{detect_file_base}.ms", format="MSEED") except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not write stream due to {e}") return fig def _check_stream_is_int(st): st = st.split() for tr in st: # Ensure data are int32, see if == numpy.int32 and \ != numpy.int32: =, subok=False) if == numpy.intc: =, subok=False) return st def _numpy_len(arr: Union[numpy.ndarray,]) -> int: """ Convenience function to return the length of a numpy array. If arr is a masked array will return the count of the non-masked elements. Parameters ---------- arr Array to get the length of - must be 1D Returns ------- Length of non-masked elements """ assert arr.ndim == 1, "Only supports 1D arrays." if return arr.count() return arr.shape[0] if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()