Source code for rt_eqcorrscan.reactor.reactor

Overarching tool for listening to and triggering from FDSN earthquakes.
import logging
import time
import os
import signal
import subprocess

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, Union, List
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from obspy import UTCDateTime, Catalog
from obspy.core.event import Event, Magnitude

from import get_events

from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import read_tribe

from rt_eqcorrscan.database.database_manager import (
    TemplateBank, check_tribe_quality)
from rt_eqcorrscan.event_trigger.listener import _Listener
from rt_eqcorrscan.config import Config
from rt_eqcorrscan.reactor.scaling_relations import get_scaling_relation

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_triggered_working_dir(
        triggering_event_id: str,
        exist_ok: bool = True
) -> str:
    working_dir = os.path.join(
        os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), triggering_event_id)
    os.makedirs(working_dir, exist_ok=exist_ok)
    return working_dir

[docs]class Reactor(object): """ A class to listen to a client and start-up a real-time instance. The real-time instance will be triggered by the listener when set conditions are met. Appropriate templates will be extracted from the template database on disk and used as a Tribe for the real-time detection. Once triggered, the listener will keep listening, but will not trigger in the same region again while the real-time detector is running. The real-time detector has to be stopped manually, or when rate or maximum-duration conditions are met. Parameters ---------- client An obspy or obsplus client that supports event and station queries. listener Listener for checking current earthquake activity trigger_func: A function that returns a list of events that exceed some trigger parameters given a catalog. See note below. template_database A template database to be used to generate tribes for real-time matched-filter detection. config Configuration for RT-EQcorrscan. Notes ----- `trigger_func` must only take one argument, a catalog of events. To achieve this you should generate a partial function from your trigger function. For example, using the provided rate-and-magnitude triggering function: >>> from rt_eqcorrscan.event_trigger import magnitude_rate_trigger_func >>> from functools import partial >>> trigger_func = partial( ... magnitude_rate_trigger_func, magnitude_threshold=4, ... rate_threshold=20, rate_bin=0.5) """ _triggered_events = [] _running_templates = dict() # Template events ids keyed by triggering-event-id _running_regions = dict() # Regions keyed by triggering-event-id max_station_distance = 1000 n_stations = 10 sleep_step = 15 # Fudge factors for past sequence simulation _speed_up = 1 _test_start_step = 0.0 # Maximum processors dedicated to one detection routine. _max_detect_cores = 12 # The processes that are detecting away! detecting_processes = dict() # TODO: Build in an AWS spin-up functionality - would need some communication... def __init__( self, client, listener: _Listener, trigger_func: Callable, template_database: TemplateBank, config: Config, listener_starttime: UTCDateTime = None, ): self.client = client self.listener = listener self.trigger_func = trigger_func self.template_database = template_database self.config = config self._listener_kwargs = dict( min_stations=config.database_manager.min_stations, template_kwargs=config.template, starttime=listener_starttime) self.notifier = config.notifier.notifier # Time-keepers self._run_start = None self._running = False self.up_time = 0 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_interupt) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_interupt) @property def available_cores(self) -> int: return max(1, cpu_count() - 1) @property def running_template_ids(self) -> set: _ids = set() for value in self._running_templates.values(): _ids.update(value) return _ids def get_up_time(self): return self._up_time def set_up_time(self, now): if self._run_start is not None: self._up_time = now - self._run_start else: self._up_time = 0 up_time = property(get_up_time, set_up_time)
[docs] def run(self, max_run_length: float = None) -> None: """ Run all the processes. Parameters ---------- max_run_length Maximum run length in seconds, if None, will run indefinitely. """ # Get the original keep value - we will over-write this temporarily listener_keep = deepcopy(self.listener.keep) if self._listener_kwargs.get("starttime"): # Set to keep at least until the starttime _keep_len = ( - self._listener_kwargs["starttime"]) + 3600 self.listener.keep = max(_keep_len, listener_keep)"Setting listener keep to {self.listener.keep}") # Try a get and put to make sure that threads have the same memory space... old_events = self.listener.old_events self.listener.old_events = old_events # Run the listener! self.listener.background_run(**self._listener_kwargs) self._run_start = # Query the catalog in the listener every so often and check self._running = True first_iteration = True while self._running: old_events = deepcopy(self.listener.old_events)"Old events from the listener has {len(old_events)} events") # Get these locally to avoid accessing shared memory multiple times if len(old_events) > 0: working_ids = [_[0] for _ in old_events] working_cat = self.template_database.get_events( eventid=working_ids) if len(working_ids) and not len(working_cat): Logger.warning("Error getting events from database, getting individually") working_cat = Catalog() for working_id in working_ids: try: working_cat += self.template_database.get_events( eventid=working_id) except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not read {working_id} due to {e}") continue else: working_cat = []"Currently analysing a catalog of {0} events".format( len(working_cat))) self.process_new_events(new_events=working_cat) Logger.debug("Finished processing new events") self.set_up_time( Logger.debug(f"Up-time: {self.up_time}") if max_run_length is not None and self.up_time >= max_run_length: Logger.critical("Max run length reached. Stopping.") self.stop() break Logger.debug(f"Sleeping for {self.sleep_step} seconds") time.sleep(self.sleep_step) Logger.debug("Waking up") if first_iteration and len(working_cat): # Revert keep to original value"Reverting keep to {listener_keep}") self.listener.keep = listener_keep first_iteration = False
[docs] def check_running_tribes(self) -> None: """ Check on the state of running tribes. Because this process starts subprocesses, they need to be stopped by this process if they "complete". This is recorded by the real-time-tribe by writing a `.stopfile` """ for trigger_event in self._triggered_events: trigger_event_id ='/')[-1] working_dir = _get_triggered_working_dir( trigger_event_id, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(f"{working_dir}/.stopfile"): self.stop_tribe(trigger_event_id)
[docs] def process_new_events(self, new_events: Union[Catalog, List[Event]]) -> None: """ Process any new events in the system. Check if new events should be in one of the already running tribes and add them. Check all other events for possible triggers and spin-up a detector instance for triggers. Parameters ---------- new_events Catalog of new-events to be assessed. """ # Convert to catalog if isinstance(new_events, list): new_events = Catalog(new_events) for triggering_event_id, tribe_region in self._running_regions.items(): try: add_events = get_events(new_events, **tribe_region) except Exception: # This only occurs when there are no events in the region # and is fixed by PR #177 on Obsplus. add_events = Catalog() # Don't trigger on events now running in another tribe. = [e for e in new_events if e not in add_events] # TODO: Implement region growth based on new events added. added_ids = { for e in add_events}.difference( self.running_template_ids) if added_ids: tribe = self.template_database.get_templates( eventid=added_ids) tribe = check_tribe_quality( tribe, min_stations=self.config.rt_match_filter.min_stations, **self.config.template) if len(tribe) > 0:"Adding {len(tribe)} events to {triggering_event_id}") template_dir = os.path.join( _get_triggered_working_dir(triggering_event_id), "new_templates") if not os.path.isdir(template_dir): os.makedirs(template_dir) for template in tribe: template.write(filename=os.path.join( template_dir,"Written new templates to {template_dir}") self._running_templates[triggering_event_id].update( added_ids) trigger_events = self.trigger_func(new_events) # Sanitize trigger-events - make sure that multiple events that would otherwise # run together do not all trigger - sort by magnitude for trigger_event in trigger_events: # Make sure they all have a magnitude if len(trigger_event.magnitudes) == 0 or trigger_event.magnitudes[0] is None: trigger_event.magnitudes = [Magnitude(mag=-999)] key=lambda e: (e.preferred_magnitude() or e.magnitudes[0]).mag, reverse=True) for trigger_event in trigger_events: if trigger_event in self._triggered_events: continue if in self.running_template_ids: f"Not spinning up {trigger_event}: it is already running") continue Logger.warning( "Listener triggered by event {0}".format(trigger_event)) # Send this as an email self.notifier.notify( content=f"Listener triggered by event {trigger_event}") if len(self._running_regions) >= self.available_cores: Logger.error("No more available processors") continue self._triggered_events.append(trigger_event) self.spin_up(trigger_event)
[docs] def spin_up(self, triggering_event: Event) -> None: """ Run the reactors response function as a subprocess. Parameters ---------- triggering_event Event that triggered this run - needs to have at-least an origin. """ triggering_event_id ='/')[-1] region = estimate_region( triggering_event, multiplier=self.config.reactor.scaling_multiplier or 1.0, min_length=self.config.reactor.minimum_lookup_radius or 50.0) if region is None: return region.update( {"starttime": self.config.database_manager.lookup_starttime})"Getting templates within {0}".format(region)) df = self.template_database.get_event_summary(**region) event_ids = {e for e in df["event_id"]} event_ids = event_ids.difference(self.running_template_ids) Logger.debug(f"event-ids in region: {event_ids}") # Write file of event id's if len(event_ids) == 0: Logger.warning(f"Found no events in region: {region} - no detection to run.") return tribe = self.template_database.get_templates(eventid=event_ids)"Found {len(tribe)} templates") if len(tribe) == 0:"No templates, not running") return working_dir = _get_triggered_working_dir( triggering_event_id, exist_ok=True) tribe.write(os.path.join(working_dir, "tribe.tgz")) self.config.write( os.path.join(working_dir, 'rt_eqcorrscan_config.yml')) triggering_event.write( os.path.join(working_dir, 'triggering_event.xml'), format="QUAKEML") script_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "") _call = ["python", script_path, "-w", working_dir, "-n", str(min(self.available_cores, self._max_detect_cores)), "-s", str(self._speed_up), "-o", str(self._test_start_step)]"Running `{call}`".format(call=" ".join(_call))) proc = subprocess.Popen(_call) self.detecting_processes.update({triggering_event_id: proc}) self._running_regions.update({triggering_event_id: region}) self._running_templates.update( {triggering_event_id: { for t in tribe}})"Started detector subprocess - continuing listening")
[docs] def stop_tribe(self, triggering_event_id: str = None) -> None: """ Stop a specific tribe. Parameters ---------- triggering_event_id The id of the triggering event for which a tribe is running. """ if triggering_event_id is None: return self.stop() self.detecting_processes[triggering_event_id].kill() self.detecting_processes.pop(triggering_event_id) self._running_templates.pop(triggering_event_id)
def _handle_interupt(self, signum, frame) -> None: Logger.critical(f"Received signal: {signum}") self.notifier.notify( content=f"CRITICAL: Stopping reactor after interupt: {signum}") self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self, raise_exit: bool=True) -> None: """ Stop all the processes. Parameters ---------- raise_exit: Whether to exit the Python system or not. """ Logger.critical("Stopping the reactor") self._running = False Logger.critical("Stopping the listener") self.listener.background_stop() Logger.critical("Stopped the listener") triggering_event_ids = list(self.detecting_processes.keys()) for event_id in triggering_event_ids: Logger.critical(f"Stopping tribe running for {event_id}") self.stop_tribe(event_id) Logger.critical("Stopped") if raise_exit: raise SystemExit
[docs]def estimate_region( event: Event, min_length: float = 50., scaling_relation: Union[str, Callable] = 'default', multiplier: float = 1.25, ) -> dict: """ Estimate the region to find templates within given a triggering event. Parameters ---------- event The event that triggered this function min_length Minimum length in km for diameter of event circle around the triggering event scaling_relation Name of registered scaling-relationship or Callable that takes only the earthquake magnitude as an argument and returns length in km multiplier Fudge factor to scale the scaling relation up by a constant. Returns ------- Dictionary keyed by "latitude", "longitude" and "maxradius" Notes ----- The `scaling_relation` * `multiplier` defines the `maxradius` of the region """ from obspy.geodetics import kilometer2degrees try: origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] except IndexError: Logger.error("Triggering event has no origin, not using.") return None try: magnitude = event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0] except IndexError: Logger.warning("Triggering event has no magnitude, using minimum " "length or {0}".format(min_length)) magnitude = None if magnitude: if not callable(scaling_relation): scaling_relation = get_scaling_relation(scaling_relation) length = scaling_relation(magnitude.mag) length *= multiplier else: length = min_length if length <= min_length: length = min_length length = kilometer2degrees(length) length /= 2. return { "latitude": origin.latitude, "longitude": origin.longitude, "maxradius": length}
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()