Source code for rt_eqcorrscan.plotting.plot_buffer

Plotting for real-time seismic data.
import numpy as np
import logging
import threading
import datetime as dt
import asyncio

from pyproj import Proj, Transformer

from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, Legend, WMTSTileSource
from bokeh.models.glyphs import MultiLine
from bokeh.models.formatters import DatetimeTickFormatter
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, column
from bokeh.server.server import Server
from bokeh.application import Application
from bokeh.application.handlers.function import FunctionHandler

from functools import partial

from obspy import Inventory
from rt_eqcorrscan.rt_match_filter import RealTimeTribe
from rt_eqcorrscan.streaming.streaming import _StreamingClient

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EQcorrscanPlot: """ Streaming bokeh plotting of waveforms. Parameters ---------- rt_client The real-time streaming client in use. plot_length Plot length in seconds tribe Tribe of templates used in real-time detection inventory Inventory of stations used - will be plotted on the map. detections List of `eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection` update_interval Update frequency of plot in ms plot_height Plot height in screen units plot_width Plot width in screen units exclude_channels Iterable of channel codes to exclude from plotting offline Flag to set time-stamps to data time-stamps if True, else timestamps will be real-time """ def __init__( self, rt_client: _StreamingClient, plot_length: float, tribe: RealTimeTribe, inventory: Inventory, detections: list, update_interval: float = 100., plot_height: int = 800, plot_width: int = 1500, exclude_channels: iter = (), offline: bool = False, new_event_loop: bool = True, **plot_data_options, ) -> None: if new_event_loop: # Set up a new event loop for the plots asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) channels = [ for tr in if not in exclude_channels] Logger.debug("Plot will contain the following channels: {0}".format( channels)) self.channels = sorted(channels) self.tribe = tribe self.plot_length = plot_length self.inventory = inventory self.detections = detections self.hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("UTCDateTime", "@time{%m/%d %H:%M:%S}"), ("Amplitude", "@data")], formatters={'time': 'datetime'}, mode='vline') self.map_hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Latitude", "@lats"), ("Longitude", "@lons"), ("ID", "@id")]) = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset" self.plot_options = { "width": int(2 * (plot_width / 3)), "height": int((plot_height - 20) / len(channels)), "tools": [self.hover], "x_axis_type": "datetime"} self.map_options = { "width": int(plot_width / 3), "height": plot_height, "tools": [self.map_hover,]} self.updateValue = True"Initializing plotter") make_doc = partial( define_plot, rt_client=rt_client, channels=channels, tribe=self.tribe, inventory=self.inventory, detections=self.detections, map_options=self.map_options, plot_options=self.plot_options, plot_length=self.plot_length, update_interval=update_interval, offline=offline, **plot_data_options) self.apps = {'/RT_EQcorrscan': Application(FunctionHandler(make_doc))} self.server = Server(self.apps) self.server.start()"Plotting started") self.threads = []
[docs] def background_run(self): """ run the plotting in a daemon thread. """ plotting_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._bg_run, name="PlottingThread") plotting_thread.daemon = True plotting_thread.start() self.threads.append(plotting_thread)"Started plotting")
def _bg_run(self): print('Opening Bokeh application on http://localhost:5006/') self.server.io_loop.add_callback(, "/") self.server.io_loop.start()
[docs] def background_stop(self): """ Stop the background plotting thread. """ self.server.io_loop.stop() for thread in self.threads: thread.join()
[docs]def define_plot( doc: Document, rt_client: _StreamingClient, channels: list, tribe: RealTimeTribe, inventory: Inventory, detections: list, map_options: dict, plot_options: dict, plot_length: float, update_interval: int, data_color: str = "grey", lowcut: float = 1.0, highcut: float = 10.0, offline: bool = False, ): """ Set up a bokeh plot for real-time plotting. Defines a moving data stream and a map. Parameters ---------- doc Bokeh document to edit - usually called as a partial rt_client RealTimeClient streaming data channels Channels to plot tribe Tribe to plot inventory Inventory to plot detections Detections to plot - should be a list that is updated in place. map_options Dictionary of options for the map plot_options Dictionary of options for plotting in general plot_length Length of data plot update_interval Update frequency in seconds data_color Colour to data stream lowcut Lowcut for filtering data stream highcut Highcut for filtering data stream offline Flag to set time-stamps to data time-stamps if True, else timestamps will be real-time """ # Set up the data source"Getting stream to define plot") stream = if lowcut and highcut: stream.filter("bandpass", freqmin=lowcut, freqmax=highcut) title = "Streaming data: {0}-{1} Hz bandpass".format(lowcut, highcut) elif lowcut: stream.filter("highpass", lowcut) title = "Streaming data: {0} Hz highpass".format(lowcut) elif highcut: stream.filter("lowpass", highcut) title = "Streaming data: {0} Hz lowpass".format(highcut) else: title = "Raw streaming data" stream.merge()"Have the stream: \n{stream}") template_lats, template_lons, template_alphas, template_ids = ( [], [], [], []) for template in tribe: try: origin = (template.event.preferred_origin() or[0]) except IndexError: continue template_lats.append(origin.latitude) template_lons.append(origin.longitude % 360) template_alphas.append(0) template_ids.append("/")[-1]) station_lats, station_lons, station_ids = ([], [], []) for network in inventory: for station in network: station_lats.append(station.latitude) station_lons.append(station.longitude % 360) station_ids.append(station.code) # Get plot bounds in web mercator"Defining map") transformer = Transformer.from_crs( "epsg:4326", "epsg:3857", always_xy=True) try: min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon = ( min(template_lats + station_lats), min(template_lons + station_lons), max(template_lats + station_lats), max(template_lons + station_lons)) except ValueError as e: Logger.error(e)"Setting map bounds to NZ") min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon = (-47., 165., -34., 179.9)"Map bounds: {min_lon}, {min_lat} - {max_lon}, {max_lat}") bottom_left = transformer.transform(min_lon, min_lat) top_right = transformer.transform(max_lon, max_lat) map_x_range = (bottom_left[0], top_right[0]) map_y_range = (bottom_left[1], top_right[1]) template_x, template_y = ([], []) for lon, lat in zip(template_lons, template_lats): _x, _y = transformer.transform(lon, lat) template_x.append(_x) template_y.append(_y) station_x, station_y = ([], []) for lon, lat in zip(station_lons, station_lats): _x, _y = transformer.transform(lon, lat) station_x.append(_x) station_y.append(_y) template_source = ColumnDataSource({ 'y': template_y, 'x': template_x, 'lats': template_lats, 'lons': template_lons, 'template_alphas': template_alphas, 'id': template_ids}) station_source = ColumnDataSource({ 'y': station_y, 'x': station_x, 'lats': station_lats, 'lons': station_lons, 'id': station_ids})"Allocated data sources") trace_sources = {} trace_data_range = {} # Allocate empty arrays for channel in channels: tr =[0] times = np.arange( tr.stats.starttime.datetime, (tr.stats.endtime +, step=dt.timedelta( data = trace_sources.update( {channel: ColumnDataSource({'time': times, 'data': data})}) trace_data_range.update({channel: (data.min(), data.max())}) # Set up the map to go on the left side"Adding features to map") map_plot = figure( title="Template map", x_range=map_x_range, y_range=map_y_range, x_axis_type="mercator", y_axis_type="mercator", **map_options) url = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png' attribution = "Tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OSM, under ODbL" map_plot.add_tile(WMTSTileSource(url=url, attribution=attribution)) x="x", y="y", source=template_source, fill_color="firebrick", line_color="grey", line_alpha=.2, fill_alpha="template_alphas", size=10) map_plot.triangle( x="x", y="y", size=10, source=station_source, color="blue", alpha=1.0) # Set up the trace plots"Setting up streaming plot") trace_plots = [] if not offline: now = dt.datetime.utcnow() else: now = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in stream]).datetime p1 = figure( y_axis_location="right", title=title, x_range=[now - dt.timedelta(seconds=plot_length), now], height=int(plot_options["height"] * 1.2), **{key: value for key, value in plot_options.items() if key != "height"}) p1.yaxis.axis_label = None p1.xaxis.axis_label = None p1.min_border_bottom = 0 p1.min_border_top = 0 if len(channels) != 1: p1.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' p1_line = p1.line( x="time", y='data', source=trace_sources[channels[0]], color=data_color, line_width=1) legend = Legend(items=[(channels[0], [p1_line])]) p1.add_layout(legend, 'right') datetick_formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( days=["%m/%d"], months=["%m/%d"], hours=["%m/%d %H:%M:%S"], minutes=["%m/%d %H:%M:%S"], seconds=["%m/%d %H:%M:%S"], hourmin=["%m/%d %H:%M:%S"], minsec=["%m/%d %H:%M:%S"]) p1.xaxis.formatter = datetick_formatter # Add detection lines"Adding detection artists") detection_source = _get_pick_times(detections, channels[0]) detection_source.update( {"pick_values": [[ int(min([0])[0].data) * .9), int(max([0])[0].data) * .9)] for _ in detection_source['picks']]}) detection_sources = {channels[0]: ColumnDataSource(detection_source)} detection_lines = MultiLine( xs="picks", ys="pick_values", line_color="red", line_dash="dashed", line_width=1) p1.add_glyph(detection_sources[channels[0]], detection_lines) trace_plots.append(p1) if len(channels) > 1: for i, channel in enumerate(channels[1:]): p = figure( x_range=p1.x_range, y_axis_location="right", **plot_options) p.yaxis.axis_label = None p.xaxis.axis_label = None p.min_border_bottom = 0 # p.min_border_top = 0 p_line = p.line( x="time", y="data", source=trace_sources[channel], color=data_color, line_width=1) legend = Legend(items=[(channel, [p_line])]) p.add_layout(legend, 'right') p.xaxis.formatter = datetick_formatter # Add detection lines detection_source = _get_pick_times(detections, channel) detection_source.update( {"pick_values": [[ int(min([0].data) * .9), int(max([0].data) * .9)] for _ in detection_source['picks']]}) detection_sources.update({ channel: ColumnDataSource(detection_source)}) detection_lines = MultiLine( xs="picks", ys="pick_values", line_color="red", line_dash="dashed", line_width=1) p.add_glyph(detection_sources[channel], detection_lines) trace_plots.append(p) if i != len(channels) - 2: p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' plots = gridplot([[map_plot, column(trace_plots)]]) previous_timestamps = { channel:[0].stats.endtime for channel in channels} def update(): Logger.debug("Plot updating") _stream = if lowcut and highcut: _stream.filter("bandpass", freqmin=lowcut, freqmax=highcut) elif lowcut: _stream.filter("highpass", lowcut) elif highcut: _stream.filter("lowpass", highcut) _stream.merge() for _i, _channel in enumerate(channels): try: _tr =[0] except IndexError: Logger.debug("No channel for {0}".format(_channel)) continue new_samples = int(_tr.stats.sampling_rate * ( previous_timestamps[_channel] - _tr.stats.endtime)) if new_samples == 0: Logger.debug("No new data for {0}".format(_channel)) continue _new_data = _tr.slice( starttime=previous_timestamps[_channel]) new_times = np.arange( _new_data.stats.starttime.datetime, (_tr.stats.endtime +, step=dt.timedelta( new_data = {'time': new_times[1:], 'data':[1:]} Logger.debug("Channl: {0}\tNew times: {1}\t New data: {2}".format(, new_data["time"].shape, new_data["data"].shape)) trace_sources[_channel].stream( new_data=new_data, rollover=int(plot_length * _tr.stats.sampling_rate)) new_picks = _get_pick_times(detections, _channel) new_picks.update({ 'pick_values': [ [int(np.nan_to_num( trace_sources[_channel].data['data']).max() * .9), int(np.nan_to_num( trace_sources[_channel].data['data']).min() * .9)] for _ in new_picks['picks']]}) detection_sources[_channel].data = new_picks previous_timestamps.update({_channel: _tr.stats.endtime}) Logger.debug("New data plotted for {0}".format(_channel)) if not offline: now = dt.datetime.utcnow() else: try: now = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in _stream]).datetime except ValueError: return trace_plots[0].x_range.start = now - dt.timedelta(seconds=plot_length) trace_plots[0].x_range.end = now _update_template_alphas( detections, tribe, decay=plot_length, now=now, datastream=template_source)"Adding callback") doc.add_periodic_callback(update, update_interval) doc.title = "EQcorrscan Real-time plotter" doc.add_root(plots)"Plot defined")
def _update_template_alphas( detections: list, tribe: RealTimeTribe, decay: float, now, datastream) -> None: """ Update the template location datastream. Parameters ---------- detections Detections to use to update the datastream tribe Templates used decay Colour decay length in seconds now Reference time-stamp datastream Data stream to update """ transformer = Transformer.from_crs( "epsg:4326", "epsg:3857", always_xy=True) template_lats, template_lons, template_alphas, template_ids = ( [], [], [], []) template_x, template_y = ([], []) for template in tribe: try: origin = (template.event.preferred_origin() or[0]) except IndexError: continue template_lats.append(origin.latitude) template_lons.append(origin.longitude) template_ids.append("/")[-1]) _x, _y = transformer.transform(origin.longitude, origin.latitude) template_x.append(_x) template_y.append(_y) template_detections = [ d for d in detections if d.template_name ==] if len(template_detections) == 0: template_alphas.append(0) else: detect_time = min([d.detect_time for d in template_detections]) offset = (now - detect_time.datetime).total_seconds() alpha = 1. - (offset / decay) Logger.debug('Updating alpha to {0:.4f}'.format(alpha)) template_alphas.append(alpha) = {'y': template_y, 'x': template_x, 'lats': template_lats, 'lons': template_lons, 'template_alphas': template_alphas, 'id': template_ids} return def _get_pick_times( detections: list, seed_id: str, ignore_channel: bool = True ) -> dict: """ Get new pick times from catalog for a given channel. Parameters ---------- detections List of detections seed_id The full Seed-id (net.sta.loc.chan) for extract picks for ignore_channel Whether to return all picks for a given sensor (e.g. HH*) Returns ------- Dictionary with one key ("picks") of the pick-times. """ picks = [] Logger.debug("Scanning {0} detections for new picks".format( len(detections))) net, sta, loc, chan = seed_id.split('.') for detection in detections: try: if ignore_channel: pick = [p for p in detection.event.picks if p.waveform_id.network_code == net and p.waveform_id.station_code == sta and p.waveform_id.location_code == loc][0] else: pick = [p for p in detection.event.picks if p.waveform_id.get_seed_string() == seed_id][0] except IndexError: pick = None pass if pick: Logger.debug("Plotting pick on {0} at {1}".format( seed_id, pick.time)) picks.append([pick.time.datetime, pick.time.datetime]) return {"picks": picks} if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()