Source code for rt_eqcorrscan.database.client_emulation

Utilities for emulating obspy clients using local data. Relies on obsplus

import logging
import os
import fnmatch

from typing import Union, Iterable, List
from functools import lru_cache
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed

from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream, read
from import WaveBank, EventBank, StationBank

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClientBank(object): """ Thin routing wrapper for obsplus Banks to act as a client. Parameters ---------- wave_bank WaveBank with seismic data event_bank EventBank with event data station_bank StationBank with station data. Note that as of 16/07/2019 StationBank was incomplete Notes ----- All attributes can be substituted for different (or the same) client. """ def __init__( self, wave_bank: Union[Client, WaveBank] = None, event_bank: Union[Client, EventBank] = None, station_bank: Union[Client, StationBank] = None, ): self.wave_bank = wave_bank self.station_bank = station_bank self.event_bank = event_bank self.base_url = "I'm not a real client!" def get_stations(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.station_bank is None: raise NotImplementedError("No station_bank provided") return self.station_bank.get_stations(*args, **kwargs) def get_stations_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.station_bank is None: raise NotImplementedError("No station_bank provided") return self.station_bank.get_stations_bulk(*args, **kwargs) def get_waveforms(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.wave_bank is None: raise NotImplementedError("No wave_bank provided") return self.wave_bank.get_waveforms(*args, **kwargs) def get_waveforms_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.wave_bank is None: raise NotImplementedError("No wave_bank provided") return self.wave_bank.get_waveforms_bulk(*args, **kwargs) def get_events(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.event_bank is None: raise NotImplementedError("No event_bank provided") return self.event_bank.get_events(*args, **kwargs)
def _stream_info_from_file(filename: str) -> dict: """ Extract start, end and seed id from file """ Logger.debug(f"Reading from {filename}") waveform_db = dict() try: st = read(filename, headonly=True) except Exception as e: Logger.warning(f"Could not read {filename} due to {e}") return waveform_db for tr in st: nslc = starttime, endtime = tr.stats.starttime, tr.stats.endtime tr_db = waveform_db.get(nslc, dict()) tr_db.update({(starttime.datetime, endtime.datetime): filename}) waveform_db.update({nslc: tr_db}) return waveform_db
[docs]class LocalClient(object): """ Thin local waveform client. """ _waveform_db = dict() def __init__( self, base_path: str, max_threads: int = None, ): self.base_path = base_path if max_threads and max_threads > 1: self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_threads) else: self._executor = None self._build_db() self.base_url = "I'm not a real client!" def _build_db(self): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.base_path): if len(filenames) == 0: continue filenames = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) for f in filenames] if self._executor: future_dbs = [ (f, self._executor.submit(_stream_info_from_file, f)) for f in filenames] for f, future_db in future_dbs: try: db = future_db.result() except Exception as e: Logger.error(f"Could not extract file info from {f} due to {e}") continue else: for nslc, tr_db in db.items(): main_tr_db = self._waveform_db.get(nslc, dict()) main_tr_db.update(tr_db) self._waveform_db.update({nslc: main_tr_db}) else: for f in filenames: db = _stream_info_from_file(f) for nslc, tr_db in db.items(): main_tr_db = self._waveform_db.get(nslc, dict()) main_tr_db.update(tr_db) self._waveform_db.update({nslc: main_tr_db}) return @property def starttime(self): return min(k[0] for tr_db in self._waveform_db.values() for k in tr_db.keys()) @property def endtime(self): return max(k[1] for tr_db in self._waveform_db.values() for k in tr_db.keys()) def _file_reader( self, files: Iterable, starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime ) -> Stream: st = Stream() if self._executor: future_streams = [ (f, self._executor.submit(_cache_read, f)) for f in files] for f, future_stream in future_streams: try: st += future_stream.result() except Exception as e: Logger.warning(f"Could not read {f} due to {e}") else: for f in files: try: st += _cache_read(f) except Exception as e: Logger.warning(f"Could not read {f} due to {e}") return st.merge().trim(starttime, endtime) def _db_lookup( self, network: str, station: str, location: str, channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime, ) -> List: tr_id = f"{network}.{station}.{location}.{channel}" # Need to be able to match wildcards known_tr_ids = self._waveform_db.keys() matched_tr_ids = fnmatch.filter(known_tr_ids, tr_id) files = [] for key in matched_tr_ids: tr_db = self._waveform_db.get(key) files.extend(sorted([ value for key, value in tr_db.items() if key[0] <= starttime.datetime <= key[1] # start within file or key[0] <= endtime.datetime <= key[1] # end within file or (starttime <= key[0] and endtime >= key[1]) # file between start and end ])) return files def get_waveforms( self, network: str, station: str, location: str, channel: str, starttime: UTCDateTime, endtime: UTCDateTime, *args, **kwargs ) -> Stream: # # f"Querying for data with args: " # f"({network}, {station}, {location}, {channel}, {starttime}, {endtime}") files = self._db_lookup( network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime) return self._file_reader(files, starttime, endtime) def get_waveforms_bulk( self, bulk: Iterable, *args, **kwargs ) -> Stream: files = [] for _b in bulk: files.extend( self._db_lookup(_b[0], _b[1], _b[2], _b[3], _b[4], _b[5])) starttime = min(b[4] for b in bulk) endtime = max(b[5] for b in bulk) st = self._file_reader(files, starttime, endtime).merge() # Trim for _b in bulk: network=_b[0], station=_b[1], location=_b[2], channel=_b[3]).trim(_b[4], _b[5]) return st def get_stations(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("No stations attached to this client") def get_stations_bulk(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("No stations attached to this client") def get_events(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("No events attached to this client")
@lru_cache(maxsize=20) def _cache_read(filename: str) -> Stream: return read(filename) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()